Amount Of Light For Live Rock Cycling


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2005
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I'm cycling the tank with live rock only. Currently I have 16 pounds in my 20g tank (I plan on having at least 20lbs of live rock later on).

My question is, I have a regular 18inch flourecent light. I realize this light is "ok" for a FOWLR tank but would like to know how long I should leave the light on for cycling?

I would assume the potential hitchhikers/growth will want some light?

Also note that the live rock has only been in my tank for a day.
It aint 100% necessary but it if you do light your rock, you will be more interested in it and what come from it

I would start out with 2-4 hours per day and add an hour daily until you reach 12/day. SH
sorry to hi jack justin.

i to added my live rock today and have had my lights on every since it went in the tank.

tanks a 21g and has 20kg of live rock.

I have 2 compact T5 55W over the top lighting it.

should I go by lighting for a few hours each day for a while aswell? i already had nitrite readings after about 6 hours of being in there, couldn't test for Ammonia as i forget to get a SW test kit.
I think gradually building up is a good way to go for both..might minimalize a rapid algae overgrowth but preserve coralline and other hitchhikers. SH

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