
New Member
Feb 29, 2004
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Sunny California, USA. God Bless America!
:no: I can't seem to find out what's up with one of my zebra danios. It's got an extremely big stomach and looks like it has a small ballon in it's stomach. It's hanging around the top of the tank and not moving around much. It's also breathing really rapidly and I think it could be Amonia poisoning! I can't quite tell if the gills are lilac in color!

My tank is still cycling and the amonia looks about 1.50

What should I do? Is it amonia poisoning?

water change water change water change water change water change water change water change water change
do some water change and add some bio-spira or cycle(bacteria in a bottle). Some people might say that it's useless, but I'd put it on anyways it work for me :D
that stuff isnt useless I know for a fact that it works I used it in my 55 gallon tank and it has been running for two months now without any problems at all. Your fish could very well have dropsy if not it could have eggs in it to. I would change out about 20 percent of your water daily until the tank cycles it will prolong your cycle but it will keep your fish alive to.
If the scales are sticking out, then it's dropsy. Dropsy could be bacteria or bad water conditions. There is anotehr form where the fish may have swallowed too much air along with the good. Some suggest to soak your food first in water, then use a turkey baster to squirt it into the tank, under the water line.

Otherwise, it could just had overeaten. I had a few zebra danios and they are the quickest swimmers in the tank. Therefore, they get to the food quicker.

Don't feed any of your fish for a day. Fish should actually be fed about 6 days a week. This helps clean up their system. The following day, feed your fish some frozen peas (skinned). This is a natural laxative for the fish.

But first check to see if the scales are sticking out, then treat from there. Otherwise, try the frozen peas.

Oh yeah...It would hurt if you do a 15%-25% water change and light gravel cleaning.

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