

Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2011
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my ammonia is quiet high but im not overstocked and ive cut down on the feeding i also bought a bottle of ammonia remover and waste control but how much water changes do i need its a 88litre tank?

anymore help would be appreciated
You need to do as many water changes as neccessary to get the ammonia down to zero. If that means a 90% change, or more than one change in a row, then that's what needs to be done.

Then you need to find out why your ammonia is high. As StandbySetting says, is your filter cycled? Have you tested your tap water? Cleaned yout filter out in tap water/too thoroughly/changed the media?
ye was thinking of a big water change i think its cause i was overfeedin them but ive cut down on that
well ive got 6 harlequins- they get about 2 flakes sumtimes 3 twice a day

and 6 bronze cory catfish they get about 4 catfish pellets then a algae wafer at night
You shouldn't be getting ammonia readings if your tank is cycled, have you replaced the filter sponges at all?

suppose it will just have to be a good water change and gravel clean lol
Try feed every other day & do some large water changes daily, it'll drop..
Had to do this myself a few week back!
I think what we really need to know is how did you cycle your tank?

I'm having a wild guess here that you used chemicals.
well bought the tank gived it a wipe down and put in dechlorinater to the water put the water in and left it for a week
Leaving a tank running for a week is not cycling it.

However, after 2 months you should have some bacteria in the filter. When did you add the last fish?
was about 3 weeks ago i added the last fish but im goin to clean my bogwood aswell there may be food stuck in some bits there

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