my 30g tank has been running for over a month now. I have cycled the tank, experienced nitrite spikes and everything during the cycling. My ammonia readings in the past 5 weeks or so had been 0. At the start of this week, I noticed that ammonia is steadily rising. At the moment, it is slightly over 1.2 mg/L. nitrite is 0.1 mg/L pH=7.2 KH=80 GH=120mg/L (moderately hard). I did 2 water changes for today and I don't think ammonia is goin down.
Based on my knowledge in water chemistry, when the pH is at 7 or nearly acidic, and ammonia is present, this may not necessarily mean that the ammonia present in water is toxic. This is because the unionized form of ammonia(toxic form) is low, although it is at 1.2.
Anyway, I actually cleaned my filters at the start of this week and it is probably the reason why this is happening. I checked my tap water and found no traces of ammonia. Now, any suggestions or comments?
Thanks in advance
Based on my knowledge in water chemistry, when the pH is at 7 or nearly acidic, and ammonia is present, this may not necessarily mean that the ammonia present in water is toxic. This is because the unionized form of ammonia(toxic form) is low, although it is at 1.2.
Anyway, I actually cleaned my filters at the start of this week and it is probably the reason why this is happening. I checked my tap water and found no traces of ammonia. Now, any suggestions or comments?
Thanks in advance