Ammonia Peak

if you live in Australia you should only have chlorine in the tap water and any dechlorinator will be fine, including the original one you had (Blue Planet).

Just do a 75% water change each day using dechlorinated water until there is no more ammonia or nitrite readings. As long as the water is free of chlorine you can do a water change each day without any issues.

Water changes will not harm the beneficial filter bacteria as long as the water is free of chlorine/ chloramine.
Aw man :( this is getting quite difficult..

Should I just keep using my water conditioner, and not do a water change tonight so hopefully my good bacteria have a chance to kill the ammonia? I’m thinking the aqua one ammonia neutraliser is what’s giving me the reading now so if that’s working and is changing it to ammonium my fish should be safe?
if you live in Australia you should only have chlorine in the tap water and any dechlorinator will be fine, including the original one you had (Blue Planet).

Just do a 75% water change each day using dechlorinated water until there is no more ammonia or nitrite readings. As long as the water is free of chlorine you can do a water change each day without any issues.

Water changes will not harm the beneficial filter bacteria as long as the water is free of chlorine/ chloramine.

Okay I’ll keep doing my water changes and hopefully it will work, should I remove some fish and put them into my 200L tank to reduce ammonia?
Prime will bind ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate for 24-48 hours. At which point they are released back into the water.

To any Seachem rep who might read this, Prove me wrong.
In fairness that is what the Seachem website says (although they don't specificlly say that it is released back into the water)
If you have a 200 litre tank that is established and has no ammonia or nitrite readings, and you have a few fish that can go into the bigger tank, then move them across. The fewer fish in the small tank, the less ammonia that will be produced.

If you have concerns about doing big water changes, use water from the big tank to do the water changes on the small tank. Then top up the big tank with clean dechlorinated water.
My 200L is over 10 years old, all fish are happy and healthy, no ammonia or nitrite readings I’m just concerned as have 5 fully grown angelfish (2 breeding pairs) and 2 6 inch silver shark.. I have swordtails in there with them that they don’t bother but all my new fish in New tank are 1 - 2 inches?

My 200L is unfortunately at my work so can’t steal the water
So guys.. I just tested my tap water pure and untreated, it has 0.50ppm in it! So my tap water is the issue! What can I do to rectify this?
In fairness that is what the Seachem website says (although they don't specificlly say that it is released back into the water)

Yes but no mention of it on the bottle and that post on the website is old. Conveniently forgotten Im sure.

Where else would it release the ammonia? Into the glass maybe.
I’m a little confused.. my readings are as follows;

Regular tap water: 0.50ppm
Tap with water conditioner: between 0ppm and 0.25ppm
Tap with aqua one ammonia neutraliser: 0ppm
Tank water: Between 1ppm and 2ppm now..

I tested my 200L and it’s showing as 0ppm so it’s reading correctly
Your tank is not cycled - or has "lost its cycle. It looks like you are stuck with big water changes until the BB are established. Add fast growing floating plants to help absorb the ammonia.
Ok heres what I would do.

Prepare enough water to do a 80% water change using only the aqua one ammonia neutraliser use a double dose. Just before changing the water check the ammonia in the tank then change the water, That should reduce your ammonia then in a few hours check again, check again in the morning and do another 80% water change.
If I do big water changes won’t I just keep losing my good bacteria so I’m back to square one? Will taking more filter media and maybe some gravel from my established tank help?.. there was also another dead fish in my tank today all day I assume while I was at work so I think that’s why my ammonia went up further.. RIP boesmani rainbow :(
If I do big water changes won’t I just keep losing my good bacteria

No you wont.

The dead fish could explain the ammonia. You need to do the water change.
If you have ammonia in the tap water that is a concern. Check your water supply company's website and see if you are getting chloramine in the water. You shouldn't be but you might be.

If you get a big plastic container and fill it with tap water, you can put a filter containing Ammogon/ Zeolite into the container of water and let it run for 24 hours to remove the ammonia. Then use that water to do the water change.
The Ammogon/ Zeolite can be re-used after soaking it in salt water for 24 hours.

If you add some floating plants like Water Sprite or Duckweed, and give them lots of light, they will use the ammonia in the water.
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If I buy seachem prime and use that, take more filter media and gravel from my established tank and put it into mine, do you think the bacteria would eat the ammonia fast enough before the seachem wares off? (24 hrs)

I’m just really worried doing another big water change when my tap water is what’s causing the issue..

If I add the aqua one ammonia neutraliser tonight,m straight to my tank without doing a water change, then tomorrow add more cycled filter media and gravel as well as seachem prime, would that work? I may also take some fish out to reduce reoccurrence..

Where do you buy duckweed from? I haven’t seen any before.

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