Ammonia + Nitrite = Uh oh


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
I've had my aquarium for 2 months now, and I do weekly Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate tests. For the first month, my levels were what the Nitrogen cycle had told me was right: High ammonia, ammonia lowers->High nitrites, nitrites lower-> stable nitrate levels.

About a week ago, I purchased an Undergravel Filter and some new black gravel. My red tail and one of my tigers jumped from holding containers, so I got 2 new Silver Dollars (Dont worry new tank is on its way).

So anyways, last night, I tested my tank like I usually do on a weekly basis, using Red Sea Marine Lab (It says it also tests Freshwater :dunno: ) Both my Ammonia and Nitrite levels were through the roof...well atleast compared to what I'm used to. Also, I woke up this morning, and my fish seemed to be breathing a little faster. I realized that my Jungle Val plant was pretty much dead so I took it out.

Was it the dead Jungle Val causing the increased bacteria?How about a lack of proper cleaning? Filter Malfunction? Crowded fish tank? New gravel?

If you "stirred things up a bit" in your tank, that might have caused it. It sounds like your tank is going through a mini cycle. Feed very very minimally and do about a 10% or 15% water change every couple of days until it goes away.
Yeah just don't mess with the gravel too much in the mean time, do small surface cleanings on it. Feed your fish the bare minimum, either once every other day or every 2 days. Keep up on the water changes, I'd maybe do more than dcraveiro suggested, it took me some heavy water changing to control a mini-cycle a while back. Like 40% every other day to every day. A new/healthy plant wouldn't hurt. Might slow the cycle a bit but it will make the ammonia levels more tolerable for the fish.

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