Ammonia Levels Are High And Low!


New Member
Nov 10, 2007
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I was testing the water in my tank yesterday and i got an ammonia reading of over 6.0, im not sure how my fish could be living in this kind of water with that much ammonia in it. I did a 20% water change and i put some ammonia conditioner in it, but later that day the ammonia readings were still high, but the nitrate and nitrite are still at 0 i dont understand. can some one please help. thanks also the last time i took it to the LFS they said my levels were perfect but now they are off the chart, im not sure what to do. Maybe my strips are too old or something, but my fish seem just fine, they seem happier then ever, would i be ale to see a change in the tank if the ammonia was that high?
i cycled my tank for about 4 weeks before i out any of the new fish in , do you think it was that i added four new fish in at the same time? 2 mollies, one platy and a large tetra? i think that was it that may have done it, any suggestions?
^ That's what I'm thinking... How did you cycle your tank and then how did you know it was cycled?

Some fish shops advise to 'fill the tank with water and leave the pump running for two weeks before adding any fish'. This is what my LFS adviced me to do.... this of course does NOTHING.

To me it sounds like your tank was never cycled, or if it was, it has since crashed and will now need re-cycling.

There is also the fact that you are using strips to test for levels. They are rubbish and some members have had different readings off of 2 strips they did at the same time! Get hold of liquid tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate as well as pH. API Aquarium Pharmaceuticals do a Freshwater Master Test Kit containing everything you will need. Only about £20 and vital when setting up a new tank.

my tank reads 0.1 mg/l as does my tap water try the strips in the tap water and see what that comes out at
Well, that may be it, im not sure, i know when i took my water to be tested at the lfs a week or two ago my reading were just fine, so i am still confused about the whole thing. The guy at the shop said it may have something to do with the new fish in the tank, overload the good bacteria maybe? And if i used some of the ammonia conditioner, why is the readings still high. and should my fish be acting weird? They seem just fine.

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