Ammonia And Uncycled Tanks


I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
I have 3 bettas, all in uncycled tanks. Something that just dawned on me is would it be beneficial to use somethng like amquel in their tanks? They all have their own 2 gal tanks, but was thinking of doing this to keep the ammonia down throughout the week inbetween water changes.
Well with amquel you have to wait 24 hours after treating the water before you can add it to a tank with fish in it. Just use your regular dechlor when doing water changes and you should be fine.
ttt, yes Amquel is recommended for uncycled tanks. I personally use Prime and I love it.

Durbkat, whatchoo talkin' about? 24 hours? I've never heard such a thing.
ttt, yes Amquel is recommended for uncycled tanks. I personally use Prime and I love it.

Durbkat, whatchoo talkin' about? 24 hours? I've never heard such a thing.
Well i use amquel+ and on the bottle it says "wait 24 hours after treating water before adding to tank."
That's not practical, durbkat. Good gravy if I had to wait 24 hours I'd have dozens and dozens of 5 gallon buckets sitting around every day :S Try a new brand.

ttt~ :thumbs:
Well I've used it every since I started keeping tropical fish and haven't lost a single fish so I'd rather not test my luck by changing brands.
Well I've used it every since I started keeping tropical fish and haven't lost a single fish so I'd rather not test my luck by changing brands.
Once you have a tank that is fully cycled, there is no need to use amquel or any other similar products. I am looking into them because i have uncycled betta tanks.
Durkbat - it says "Always allow a 24 hour period between single dose applications." That doesn't mean you have to wait 24 hours before you add it to the tank. It means don't give them multiple doses in a 24 hour period.
Opps :*) I can't believe that I've used this for 3 years and never really read it. :*)

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