Ammonia and pleco questions.



okay i need to know where to buy the "pure ammonia" and i needa kno if i can put my pleco in my fish bowl until my tanks cycled
and are plecos suppose 2 eat the wafers or just leave em their and theyll get it outta the water
I recently started cycling my tank and I bought pure ammonia at Wal-Mart. If you aren't sure if it's pure ammonia, shake the bottle and if there is no foam (like you just shook up water) it's ammonia. If there is foamy bubbles (like you shook up detergent) then it contains something else and it isn't pure ammonia.

How large is you pleco? I wouldn't recommand putting the placo in the fish bowl, but if it's your only choice than you need some sort of filter and heater. Many of the pet stores sells Algea Wafers designed for plecos. Hope this helsps! ;)
Plecs eat the wafers Krap, they sort of suck onto them. Maybe try plec tablet food. My sucker mouth catfish all like them and my plec likes them more than wafers.

What kind of plec is it? It may not be the algae eating kind.

Oh and I wouldn't put a plec in anything too small for a heater and filter. They are very messy creatures and can polute the water with waste very quickly.

my pleco isnt "sucking" on his wafers wut should i do?

What kind of plec is he? I already mentioned above that he may not be the algae eating kind. If he's a common, he will grow out of eating algae and I think they want more 'meaty' food after that. Try plec tablets, my plec likes those. Never touches wafers.

Does your tank have wood? There a lot of wood eating plecs, I think my plec eats wood as well as other food.
if u say u need to cycle your tank , then where is your plec atm,is it not in the tank ? or have u bought a plec even though your tank isnt ready ?
so as my post above says , why do u have to cycle your tank if your plec is already in it ??
how long has ur plec been in the 'uncycled tank'? if its about 3-4 weeks then i think hes produced enough waste to have a good amount of benifical bactiria in there for him and any other fish in that tank...

you have been on this forum for a few weeks and u only NOW decide to do a fishless cycle? :huh: whats that point now? id just stick to what ur doina and add to that list daily 5-10% water changes...

but thats just imo and i might be wrong..
i got my fish before i learned about cycling
ive had my plec since like uhh jan 7
i just came up with a great idea im gonna cycle my teachers empty tank then im gonna let him keep my fish for like 2 weeks (ill see them every day untill weekends) then ill cycle my tank and when its done ill have 1 big happy family
(i dont trust my lfs) :kira:

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