
Fish Crazy
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kitchener, Ontario (Canada)
i was given a new filter and plants etc.. and also with it it had a carten of ammo-carb, it says it removes deadly ammonia, toxic oragnic waste and also foul odors and bad colour in the water i was wondering if anyone has or had use this products and is it any good?
thanks cassandra
Excuse me, but we've already answered that question - hence the lack of response on this. In your other post you were recommended to read my article on New Tanks. In it is an FAQ question about ammonia-locking chemicals and the pros and cons of using them.

Your problem is that your tank isn't cycled. You haven't yet grown the beneficial bacteria that will turn ammonia into nitrite, and nitrite into nitrate. Until that happens anything you add to the tank will be a temporary solution at best and may complicate matters. It may also delay cycling by locking the ammonia away from the bacteria, and will give you false positives on your ammonia readings.
moved to begginers questions

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