Amiracle sl-150 ??'s


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
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Hello all, I have just aquired a nice condition used SL-150 wet/dry unit. I have a few questions, the person I bought it from had drilled a 1 inch hole for drainage in the bio ball area. I need to find the best think to plug this hole without using glue or chemical related substance? Any ideas? Also where on the internet can I find instructions on how to hook it up? Thanks all
I would go to Home Depot or Lowe's and check in the plumbing department. I'm sure you could find something their that can work. As far as hooking it up post a pic if you can and we can take a look at it. Then one of us here can try and help you figure it out :D
HI and :hi: to the forums.

If it is pvc or abs plastic, then you can use pipe weld/solvent cement which won't harm fish and is used for plumbing of marine and freshwater tanks.

ste :)
It is the older style white wood casing. I will do my best to find something at Home Depot though.
Well I fixed the problem and I'm all set to get this thing running. For a 55 Gallon tank, what kind of pump will I need?
I use a Little Giant it works well for me. I'm not familiar with your setup so i can't say if it will work with your's. Can you post a pic of it?

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