Amazonia Vission 180


New Member
Apr 17, 2006
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Hi, have jus started work on my Juwel Vission 180 which i picked up off ebay for £200 new and complete. Have been playing around with a small 100l tank for the past 2 years trying to perfect it with a very small buget and watching what i invest go down the drain in terms of plants so ive decided to go full on with this one. As much as i can anyway.
I have purchased two bags of ADA Amazonia and some wood. Will upgrade the filter system after a few weeks when i get some money and also a UV sterilizer. Already have two 36W lights with the tank i already have set up so will combine them with the standard juwel lights which should be enough WPG. Still not sure on the plants to include though.

-----Need some advice and suggestions on plants, aquascaping, and hardscaping so if you have some good advice it would be greatly apreciated---- :)

Plants so far:
-Java fern
-Vallisneria spiralis
-and possibly some glossoma or hairgrass as a carpet plant

--- Any other suggestions? ---

-Cardinal tetras
-one Plec (which i already own and will be looking for a new home for it)
-4x upsidedown catfish
-Black neons
-Rummy nose tetras

This is the plan ive drawn up so far and will update on my progress.



The Plan.
Ok heres the progress so far. still needs a lot of work so going to rescape it slightly in the summer.

Sorry about the poor picture quality.



Filling up. Amazonia substrate took a couple of days to clear.

Great start, the ferns should look good where you have them :)

They are better off lower down, like you have them due to their size.

Can anyone help with upgrading the lighting on a juwel vission 180. i have two T5 light units but they dont fit in together and i also have a couple of basic 35W arcadia light units. Going to be a bit of a DIT job here but could do with some advice...? Any ideas?

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