Amazon Sword Trying To Escape!


Fish Herder
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Kettering, UK
Has anyone had an amazon sword shoot one tall stem up, and then when it reaches the surface, starts to produce a leaf there? The same plant did it in when it was in my old tank, and now in my new tank has done the same thing. its making new leaves every week, probably 2 per week, but this is the only one that has decided to make a bee line straight for the surface.

Why is it doing this? trying to flower? would it still grow a leaf there if it was going to flower?

It doesnt really bother me, but it looks kind of goofy trying to grow into the condensation cover.
That's one of the three or so most common ways for them to propagate, they send runners straight up. The other two are through the rhizome and by seed.
It's normal, as Kitty Kat said it's form propagation, species in the Echinodorus genus are actually semi aquatic so can grow both in and out of water.
ok feeling dense here but what does this propagation mean for me, should i cut off the stem and plant it? I dont quite see how having one leaf out of the water helps it reproduce? what will it do if i leave it? start growing a whole new plant up there?
Propagation is reproduction, cut the new plant that is growing and plant it and then discard the runner.
Wait til you have some root structure first.

When I first read the title of this post, I kept thinking of a bad B movie.

The Killer Amazon Sword...

'The sword doesn't take no for an answer'


sorry, back on track
If its any help my Swords just grew upwards but have huge leaves now that are now bent over onto the top of the tank. Getting to a point now where im going to trim them back. I have seen new shoots but they are from the roots only. Funny thing is, the ones that are now very large in size are only on one side of my tank, the other side they stay about half the hieght of the tank

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