I plan on getting an Amazon Leaf Fish (Monocirrhus polyacanthus) or 2, to eat some of my overabundance of Convict cichlid fry. They will be getting a 33 gallon or so (36x18x12) aquarium, with low flow (but adequate filtration), thats fairly densly planted with low-light, large leafed plants, like they would be accustomed to in the wild. I will keep the lighting fairly dim, just bright enough for the plants, as I understand they like dim lighting. Here are my questions: 1. What is an ideal pH for them?
2. How many could I keep in a 33 gallon? I only plan on keeping 2 maximum.
3. Will they do well on a diet of convict cichlid fry, juvenile cons (1" or smaller), guppies, platies, other small livebearers (bred by me), ghost shrimp, and frozen bloodworms, krill, mysis shrimp, etc?
4. If I get 2 males, will they be aggressive towards each other?
5. Could I keep other peaceful, similar area oddballs with them in the 33 gallon (eg. twig catfish, bristlenose catfish, etc?
2. How many could I keep in a 33 gallon? I only plan on keeping 2 maximum.
3. Will they do well on a diet of convict cichlid fry, juvenile cons (1" or smaller), guppies, platies, other small livebearers (bred by me), ghost shrimp, and frozen bloodworms, krill, mysis shrimp, etc?
4. If I get 2 males, will they be aggressive towards each other?
5. Could I keep other peaceful, similar area oddballs with them in the 33 gallon (eg. twig catfish, bristlenose catfish, etc?