Amazon Frogbit or other options???


Jul 29, 2023
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For Amazon Frogbit, have any UK members got a recommendation for an online supplier? I'm struggling. I also wanted some advice. I am not experienced with floating plants. What's my options considering my below set up?

I guess I could play it safe and go with some Elodea Densa but leave them floating?

Tank: 110 L
pH: 7.4 KH: 4 GH: 5 (German degrees)
Temp: 75
Ferts: TNC lite (liquid)

Fish: bronze corydoras, white fin bentosi tetra, golden ancistrus

Other plants: crinum thaianum, elodea densa (rooted in substrate), willow moss
Any substantial floating plant will work very well as ammonia grabbers and shade. Water Sprite is my favourite. Water Lettuce is another. And Frogbit obviously. UK members may know suppliers. The stem plant Pennywort grows nice floating, but being much less "dense" it is less effective.
Any substantial floating plant will work very well as ammonia grabbers and shade. Water Sprite is my favourite. Water Lettuce is another. And Frogbit obviously. UK members may know suppliers. The stem plant Pennywort grows nice floating, but being much less "dense" it is less effective.
I can’t keep any fully aquatic plants alive. So I tend to use pothos and a philodendron to pull out harmful chemicals from the water.
This shop has a selection of floating plants, I've bought plants from here and they seem good quality
Can't remember where I got mine from, may have been pro shrimp? But I can't be certain. I have both frogbit and elodea densa in mine, my frogbit has grown quite slowly but its shooting roots out. The elodea is good in that it doesn't always float just at the top, I find it all over the water column so there's a bit of variety
Can't remember where I got mine from, may have been pro shrimp? But I can't be certain. I have both frogbit and elodea densa in mine, my frogbit has grown quite slowly but its shooting roots out. The elodea is good in that it doesn't always float just at the top, I find it all over the water column so there's a bit of variety
Thank you. You are right about the elodea. Having that hanging around might suit the Tetras I have got for the tank. That plant is always available it seems and not too pricey :)
What plants do you have there Byron?

That's an old photo, from another thread presumably. I can't enlarge it, but...looks like Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) floating. The tall plants are swords (Echinodorus griesbachii bleherae). The small plants almost acting like carpet plants are pygmy chain swords, Helanthium tenellum.

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