Amazing Return Of Armoured Shrimp


New Member
Sep 14, 2008
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A couple of weeks ago I posted that our armoured shrimp had disappeared, and assumed it had climbed out and crawled away. Doing a water change we poked at every bit of gravel and under every object and it wasn't anywhere to be seen.
However tonight, incredibly, it was on the heater as if nothing had happened. It's big, so just no idea how it could have hidden.
Also, on the suckers of the heater is like a white web-like substance, assume this is from the shrimp - does anyone know what it is ?

Told you it was still in there :p I haven't seen mine for over a week but i'm not worried.

No idea what you mean from the white web like substance, It won't be shimp eggs as they carry them under their tail and you need one of each sex for them to carry eggs. I get a white build up on some of the rubber things in my tank which is caused by calcium from my hard water, it could be that.

Just wanted to point out this isn't the best sub forum for shrimp, if you scroll down the main list there is one for Invertebrates with loads of shrimp posts.

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