Amazing but true


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2022
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Southeast Asia
While replacing some foam in one of my canister filters, I discovered a juvenile Diamond Tetra swimming about. The filter was relatively new, installed less than 4 months ago. At some point in time a newly hatched fry, or possibly a fertilized egg, passed into the filter. Based on the size of the fish, I'm guessing it's been in the filter close to 3 months. It's pretty amazing it survived in a space less than 1" in depth, but there you have it.

I removed it from the filter and placed him in the aquarium. I'm surprised it's eyes developed in total darkness, but he seems healthy. I suspect he may be a bit stunted. It will be interesting to see how he develops.
I had a similar situation

I have one of those tanks where the filtration and heating happens behind the main part of the tank. I noticed one of my penguin tetras (small one) was missing.

I looked around couldn’t find it and I chalked it up to one of the other fish ate it. Later that night I was sitting beside the tank and I noticed some movement coming from the back of my tank. I looked over and sure enough it had gotten through the inlet grates (very small) which lead to the back of tank. I was able to catch it and return it to the main part of the tank and he/she has been fine ever since.

Not sure how long it had been back there either.
While replacing some foam in one of my canister filters, I discovered a juvenile Diamond Tetra swimming about. The filter was relatively new, installed less than 4 months ago. At some point in time a newly hatched fry, or possibly a fertilized egg, passed into the filter. Based on the size of the fish, I'm guessing it's been in the filter close to 3 months. It's pretty amazing it survived in a space less than 1" in depth, but there you have it.

I removed it from the filter and placed him in the aquarium. I'm surprised it's eyes developed in total darkness, but he seems healthy. I suspect he may be a bit stunted. It will be interesting to see how he develops.
Do you have any kind of prefilter on the canister inlet tube?

If not, you may want to install one...I like these:

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