Amazing Betta!!!!!!!!!!!&#


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
A United States Mainer
I was on aquabid and I saw this most amazing male crowntail betta. Since he was so cool I tought I would just share him with you guys. Hope u like him as much as i did. :D
samsung-401 said:
I was on aquabid and I saw this most amazing male crowntail betta. Since he was so cool I tought I would just share him with you guys. Hope u like him as much as i did. :D

that is so wicked, very cool color, never seen a betta in that color :/
:eek: :hyper: :blink: :crazy:

*has a heart attack and dies*


that is one GORGEOUS BETTA ahhhh, excuse me while i go jump off a cliff :lol:
i think the thai word for "a poopload of money" is "wasan" :lol:

he has the most amazing bettas. perhaps one day i can afford one. :) that ones great.
yes jac i agree i saw a green black dr female and it would cost me 70 if i got her with shipping for one itty bitty betta
well, call me crazy but i think i might just bid on him.
(i hope you werent going to) :/
:eek: you are INSANE JACS, INSANE!!

but i like it :lol: may i ask how much the bid is? (i'm just ciorus to know the price tag attached to him, i dont' bid online anyways :rolleyes: :)
I almost bought his spawn sister. Now, she too was amazing. :wub:
beautiful fish ;) wasan is one of the premier thai breeders so it's no surprise that he has some awesome fish. ;)

"a poopload of money" = ngun maak :p

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