RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Hi there
I woke up this morning to find i would estimate 60-70 little white wigglys ranging from (-) - (--) size sliding all over the glass of my shrimp tank
The 9 amano shrimp have been in there for 4 months and nothing new has been added to the tank for 3 weeks and that was 1 female adult cherry and 15 juvey cherrys
In the tank is also some small fresh water shrimp (i'm sure thats what they are they look similar to woodlice) they have been in there for 6 months
There is also lots of baby ramshorns that came on the plant i added 6 weeks ago i dont mind them cos the amono's like to eat them .
I'm trying to upload some pics but its hard when the critters are so small and now they have all gone off the glass and headed straight for the moss
Has anyone any idea what these could be
Thanks Sarah
some pics i posted last night of the tanks but no wigglys <a href="http/www.fishforums.net/content/Members-...Fish-Hard-Init/" target="_blank">http/www.fishforums.net/content/Members-...Fish-Hard-Init/</a>
I woke up this morning to find i would estimate 60-70 little white wigglys ranging from (-) - (--) size sliding all over the glass of my shrimp tank
The 9 amano shrimp have been in there for 4 months and nothing new has been added to the tank for 3 weeks and that was 1 female adult cherry and 15 juvey cherrys
In the tank is also some small fresh water shrimp (i'm sure thats what they are they look similar to woodlice) they have been in there for 6 months
There is also lots of baby ramshorns that came on the plant i added 6 weeks ago i dont mind them cos the amono's like to eat them .
I'm trying to upload some pics but its hard when the critters are so small and now they have all gone off the glass and headed straight for the moss
Has anyone any idea what these could be
Thanks Sarah
some pics i posted last night of the tanks but no wigglys <a href="http/www.fishforums.net/content/Members-...Fish-Hard-Init/" target="_blank">http/www.fishforums.net/content/Members-...Fish-Hard-Init/</a>