Amano's Bred In Freshwater Tank ? I Think


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
Hi there

I woke up this morning to find i would estimate 60-70 little white wigglys ranging from (-) - (--) size sliding all over the glass of my shrimp tank
The 9 amano shrimp have been in there for 4 months and nothing new has been added to the tank for 3 weeks and that was 1 female adult cherry and 15 juvey cherrys
In the tank is also some small fresh water shrimp (i'm sure thats what they are they look similar to woodlice) they have been in there for 6 months

There is also lots of baby ramshorns that came on the plant i added 6 weeks ago i dont mind them cos the amono's like to eat them .

I'm trying to upload some pics but its hard when the critters are so small and now they have all gone off the glass and headed straight for the moss

Has anyone any idea what these could be


Thanks Sarah

some pics i posted last night of the tanks but no wigglys <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

3 of my female amanos have been carrying eggs on and off for about 6 weeks but i didnt have anything to put them in so just let them get on with it
could these wigglys be amano larve ?????????????
OK i'm rather confused

Amano's cant breed successfully in fresh water aquarium so i've been told .

apart from the larvae i have also found a tiny shrimp about 4 mm in length i'm trying to get a pic of him but he hides a lot in the java moss and bogwood

He cant be a baby cherry as i had 15 juvey cherries 2 weeks ago and they are all pink/red and were bigger than him and i only have one female cherry and she had no eggs when i got her with the juveys .

So what is this little one is there anyway it could be an amano ????????????????????????
There was an article on the practical fishkeeping website about breeding amanos in freshwater...cant find it again though.
You can easily breed amanos in freshwater, but the vast majority of the time the larvae need to be moved into marine/high end brackish water.

Tbh the most likely situation is the 4mm shrimp is a cherry, but there is a slight possibility it's an amaono.

Out or curiosity, what are you tank stats?(hardness, pH etc.)
There was an article on the practical fishkeeping website about breeding amanos in freshwater...cant find it again though.
You can easily breed amanos in freshwater, but the vast majority of the time the larvae need to be moved into marine/high end brackish water.

Tbh the most likely situation is the 4mm shrimp is a cherry, but there is a slight possibility it's an amaono.

Out or curiosity, what are you tank stats?(hardness, pH etc.)

shrimp only in the tank amanos and cherrys no fish in 2 x 1 x 1 temp tank til the weekend then they move into a Juwel Rekord 60
there are also some scuds (gammarus pulex) [URL=""][/URL] in the tank which are thriving and help to keep the moss in good nick
they look like woodlice lol
forgot their name til now (MS kills my memory)

temp set at 26 degrees

nitrites zero
amonia zero
nitrates 15
ph is 7.3

not got kh tester but i live in the south west and we have softwater
I've never seen my Amano larvae gliding/sticking on the glass. All they do is wiggle wiggle and float along the current. I posted some pics of them a short while ago HERE

Very young male cherry shrimps can be completely clear in colour. Another possibility is that you have some Amano lookalike shrimps that give birth to fully formed shrimps. Best indication is the size of the eggs. Amano shrimps carry tiny tiny eggs - huge number of eggs. Cherries carry much larger eggs - about 30.

Here's the PFK article
I've never seen my Amano larvae gliding/sticking on the glass. All they do is wiggle wiggle and float along the current. I posted some pics of them a short while ago HERE

Very young male cherry shrimps can be completely clear in colour. Another possibility is that you have some Amano lookalike shrimps that give birth to fully formed shrimps. Best indication is the size of the eggs. Amano shrimps carry tiny tiny eggs - huge number of eggs. Cherries carry much larger eggs - about 30.

Here's the PFK article
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

the larvae is about 1-2 mm long and are now mostly free floating in the water and i can see lots on my bog wood and caught on my plants they were on the glass this morning right where the water flow hits i turned the filter off for a bit and they disappeared . Looked again this afternoon after filter was turned back on and there were some on the glass again . lol

my amano (or what i think is amano) was carrying eggs for about 6 weeks now only one of the females is carrying eggs and there are lots of tiny ones
I dont think it's a baby cherry cos i dont have an adult male and the female hasn't had any eggs on her since she's been in the tank unless it was a miniscule cherry that the seller accidently slipped in the bag and i didnt see
They were delivered with the filter floss to hold on to and were all hiding in it so it is possible that there were more shrimps than the seller thought cos after i got the 15 juveys from the bag i floated the floss in the tank for 24 hours just in case i had missed any shrimp .

mmmmm you got me thinking now (bet you can hear it from there) lol
some pics of my shrimps





baby cherrys



can't get a pic of that other shrimp as he dont come out much

JUST NOTICED i'm really excited got a pic of my scud (gammarus pulex) first pic ever of them :) just a fluke
ok no big deal but i'm happy lol

TOP right of the pic

Hi, pippoodle,

your shrimp are beautiful, all of them, and the scuds are cute.

Personally, I'm hoping my Amano look-alikes (algae shrimp covering a lot of ground and being less descriptive) are a similar freshwater-breeding species.
If they look and act similar, these would actually be preferable to Amano for those who keep them as pets, at least in my opinion.
Not that in my case I'd expect any hatchlings to ever make it in the community tank they're in...

But the links all say that Amano zoes often do live for a bit in freshwater tanks...
Sorry amanos will breed in freshwater, but unless the zoes are moved to heavy salt water they dont survive long, i had some wild cherries was told they were amanos, of course they bred and i sent some off to pfk, and of course they werent amanos at all. I think they are young cherries that have reverted back to their original wild colour, mine are clear, it seems that all cherrys are bred from the wild ones originally. di hope that makes sense
Sorry amanos will breed in freshwater, but unless the zoes are moved to heavy salt water they dont survive long, i had some wild cherries was told they were amanos, of course they bred and i sent some off to pfk, and of course they werent amanos at all. I think they are young cherries that have reverted back to their original wild colour, mine are clear, it seems that all cherrys are bred from the wild ones originally. di hope that makes sense

Yes hun thanks that makes total sense

Thanks for taking the time and replying

Sarah x
Those are clearly amanos, not a different kind of pale shrimp.

My guess is that the babies wll die within a few days. Think about it. Amanos live in rivers in the wild, and carry their eggs until they hatch. After letting the young loose, it takes some time for them to drift downriver into brackish water or the open ocean. Then, once they morph, they crawl right back up the rivers again. The crucial thing is, they would never plunge directly into salt water, they would slowly end up in more and more saline water over a period of hours to days.
Those are clearly amanos, not a different kind of pale shrimp.

My guess is that the babies wll die within a few days. Think about it. Amanos live in rivers in the wild, and carry their eggs until they hatch. After letting the young loose, it takes some time for them to drift downriver into brackish water or the open ocean. Then, once they morph, they crawl right back up the rivers again. The crucial thing is, they would never plunge directly into salt water, they would slowly end up in more and more saline water over a period of hours to days.

I THOUGHT they were amanos but i have also read thaT THERE are 3 sorts of shrimp that are very similar to amanos and only have smaller teeth and breed in freshwater so i think i'm just going to stop reading and hope for the best cos the more i read the more i get confused .

We'll soon see what happens lol

I'm glad my scuds are surviving cos at least that means my water quality is A1 :)

i know about the brackish water thing but i have read somewhere that about 1 in a 100000 born in a totally freshwater tank will survive here's hoping lol

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