

Fish Crazy
Mar 8, 2006
Reaction score
scotland uk
ive been away for 2weeks working away from home an i have came back to find 1 of my 4shrimp is realy huge an strugling to carry her body.along the whole bottom of her body ithere is a dark green looking area an up close looks like realy realy small eggs could this be right?

if so how longdo they take to hatch because i could realy do with a gravel clean if not just hav to do a water change!
See the profile I did and my experience with breeding (which is via a further link in that post).
Bottom line: unless you have a specialist setup you have absolutely no hope I'm afraid.
its just due to the fact ive came home to nitice somthing weird on my shripms i was just wondering if it happens it happpens im not to botherd just wanted to no,and make sure its ok :)
Well it's nice to know that you at least have happy shrimp that's for sure ! :D :good:

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