Amano Shrimps

Kathy Dixon

New Member
Feb 17, 2006
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East Anglia, UK
I was ditressed to find one 15 feet away from the tank this morning, sadly no more Do they often do a runner? Have had no problems up to now :(
Not in my experince.... Does your tank have a lid ?
:lol: I take that back. Just found a dried body several feet from the tank :crazy:
My tank also has only small gaps, but I think it's a very rare occurance.
I am paranoid about my snails escaping so I cover the holes with cling wrap. Or it you have too many holes, block them up with blu-tack.
I've never had any of my shrimp pull an escape trick and some of the tanks don't have covers (my evil sister's shrimp are always suiciding though). I assume the shrimp are trying to escape conditions in the tank that are unsatisfactory to them--either the water parameters were not up to [shrimp] par or someone in the tank started chasing shrimp around and going airborne seemed like a possible escape route (wrong!). You might want to try the cling wrap (cheap and most of us have that handy). On my frog tank I aquarium glued pieces of plastic needlepoint canvas over all the holes. You can get this stuff in hobby and yarn shops. You can cut it up into shapes that fit the space you need them to fit into or over, and you can cut out only enough space for an air hose or heater cord to pass through, then glue it down. I use the same plastic canvas stuff to harvest white worms, to divid tanks (it's cheap and easy to get so I can get lots of it and not have to constantly be cleaning the same piece of algae all the time), sieve tanks that I'm tearing down so the plants and rocks and stuff don't get dumped into the toilet. I even use it in summer to shade the tanks a bit since it comes in various colors.
u cud get a plastic cover that goes acroos ur undernetath the lid, but still lets light in :D
Good thinking, but in my experience it does cut out some light for a planted tank - and light is very important. It also gets covered and crusted with limescale (in hardwater areas) and very hard to keep clean :/
The first critters I purchased for my 33gal were amano shrimp. The next morning I found one about 20ft away, all dried up. I bought some nylon(i think) mesh, used for screen doors or windows, and with tape to hold it covered all the open spaces at the back of the tank. I wanted the tank to have some air circulation to minimize overheating. I haven't had an escape since.
Well, that's not entirely true. Two zebra danio's jumped out when I forgot to close the lid. However, no more shrimp have escaped.

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