Amano Shrimps


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
Hi, I'm buying some amano shrimp (four in total) from my friend in around a week, what food would they need or would they be ok with the flakes and bloodworms that get to the bottom? there will be no cories so no bottom feeders to compete with for food and will they be ok with baby Betta Splendens (Siamese Fighters) growing up around them?. The tank will be filtered and heated so it should be ok just need to know abiout the above :)
Almost certainly *no* - I'm sure the betta will try and make a tasty meal out of them.
I'm not sure about the compatibility with baby bettas.

Amano shrimp, Caridina japonica, are sold as algae shrimp. I have some and don't make any special efforts to feed them. They are happy eating algae and, I suppose, any scraps left over from regular fish feedings.
So bettas will try to snack on shrimp then?
I didn't mean to say that bettas are not compatible with Amano shrimp. I don't know if they would be or not. I have no experience with bettas and haven't seen anything specifically about bettas and shrimp together. There are, I'm sure, many species of fish that would eat smaller shrimp.
Was just wondering because I was planning maybe to have a betta in the future in my two footer with shrimps :D
I have bettas mixed with amano's, the shrimp are still alive after a year. so i would say dont worry about mixing them.

when you get your shrimp dont be tempted to add any extra food to your tank for them (above what you already feed your fish), they are exelant scavingers, so they will never go hungrey.
I think it all has to do with temperament of your Betta, but more often than not I haven't had success with shrimp and Bettas...I had one that got along quite well with the few guppy fry in his 10gal tank, but when I dropped in 6 ghost shrimp, the Betta quickly picked off 5 of the 6 shrimp, one by one. Don't get me wrong, that Betta was well fed in terms of flakes and pellets; he just had a natural predator instinct for those shrimp. If one moved into his peripheral vision...wham.

I rescued one shrimp, a pregnant female that produced eggs. Now back up to four shrimp, hoping for more, but that is another story.

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