Amano Shrimps Half Out Of Tank


New Member
Nov 12, 2008
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I came to do a partial water change this morning, and found 2 amano shrimps huddled in the corner with their heads out of the water. I completed the water change, and a couple of hours later found all 5 of my shrimps huddled together, half out of the water. It appears something is upsetting them.

I have checked all the main water parameters and they appear OK. The tank is planted, with added CO2 (yeast type). I have tried adding air through the Juwel venturi. The fish (zebra danios, serpae tetras and red eye tetras) all appear OK.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks, Pete
I would post this in tropical discussion more members go over there.
Check your tank temp.
Have you added any new plants or medications in your tank recently?
have you checked the pipe that feeds the yeast mixture through to see if any mixture has accidently gotten into the tank
Thanks for your replies. The only thing added to the tank recently were 4 moss balls a couple of weeks ago, as well as some plant fertiliser (Tetra Plantamin) added yesterday just after a partial water change.

I kept the venturi air on full overnight, and this morning the shrimps appear to be behaving normally. So it was possibly an air problem. I think I will do another partial water change just in case the fertiliser has built up too much for the shrimps.

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