Amano Shrimp


Fish Crazy
May 15, 2007
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is it normal for these to fight with each other?

i had one in a tank of mine and it is only fairly small, and have just tonight introduced 2 slightly larger ones and the smaller shrimp is laying the smack pretty bad to the point that after only an hour in the tank im thinking about moving the 2 newer larger ones

is this normal and will they all settle down?
That's not normal.

Look closely at the aggressive "amano" Does it have big claws in front? It could be an immature macro or freshwater prawn.
nah, its deffo an amano the same as the new ones

see this link to confirm that for me please:

it is however a lot smaller than the new ones, maybe half the size and i was quite shocked to see it actually jump ontop of one of the new shrimps and was being very aggresive

however, it does seem to have calmed down a lot now and after a little game of feely between them all, but i was a bit alarmed at first

its also the first time ive seen my shrimp for a prolonged period so maybe a little bit of company will do it good
The smaller one could be a male. Males are usually a lot smaller. If your female has just moulted and the smaller shrimp chasing her around, then it could be mating.

Referring to your pictures in that post, the top two pics are definitely of a female. The smaller in the third pic (on the right) is hard to tell from that pic but looks like a male.
then i guess me throwing in 2 male shrimps has got him a bit hot under the collar then

fish rape in my tank

i nearly scooped botht he new ones out it was that violent
Just like to add, if they were mating then you should see the female bearing eggs now :)

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