Amano Shrimp


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2007
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i bought 5 amano shrimp a while ago and NEVER see them! i saw one last night and thought...what is that! and remembered i have 5 of them.

is it just mine that hid or do yours?
In a tank like yours, they're probably busy trying not to be eaten! ;)
Seriously, apart from the gouramis and possibly the tetras, I think all of those fish would try and eat your shrimp. If there's plenty of cover, they've probably set up camp somewhere nice and secluded. If not, cross your fingers they're not already in someone's stomach!
Mine hid when they were first introduced, but once they realized that there weren't any threats, they came out. I think that goes for most dwarf shrimp.
i only have the one and he is always out and about, i am currently trying to find him a few friends :good:
i only have the one and he is always out and about, i am currently trying to find him a few friends :good:

My 4 are always out and about, once they realized the pl*cos were not a threat and the others(snails, lemon tetras, corys)are not either.
Mine are always out and about now, but, i have a tank that has a lot of surface cover from vallis, and then a lot of substrate cover from other stuff, and bog wood, so theres plenty of hiding places.

I think over the few months ihave had them they have sussed that no one in the tank will eat them - they do look funny when they climb over my giant african filter shrimp!
i don't have much decore in my tank, just a ship and a few material plants but it is still always out though
I had around 8 in my 20 gallon, never seen them and it has been years now :/. After many water changes, never seen them. Maybe they died and got eaten or jumped out some how and dried up. :crazy:

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