Amano Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2005
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UK - South West
Was looking into getting some Amano shrimp to keep one of my planted tanks clean of hair algae (and any other type it discovers!) - plus to add a new type of inhabitant to watch.
When my wife asks "They wont eat the guppy fry will they?"

Umm.... was my reply.

Will they?
Don't forget that they will also not like 50% water changes on an EI tank too much, so you will have to get the water as close temp wise as poss and hope the Ph isn't too much different in your tap to your tank (thinking CO2)

I bought 10 algae shrimp last week and I still can't tell you if they eat algae because I've hardly seen them since. lol

I think they're still in there somewhere as every now and again (after 20 mins scowering the tank) I see 1 hiding in the crypt Wendtii, and I then assume if 1 is OK then the others are.!!

I am heavy with my fish load though so I think they are still a bit wary of the Bettas, Danios and Mollys.

I would've put a pic in my journal BUT I CAN'T FIND THE DAMN THINGS

They wont eat any fry, unless the fish was dead to start with. Just make sure you dont get any of the new variety that was being sold some time last year (dont know if they are still sold), which have long arms with pincers and keep eating live fish.

Also, dont forget to keep your tank covered. I've had a shrimp jump out of the tank before, although now i cover the tank at night and haven't had any jump in the last 6 months (touch wood!!!!). Actually last time one jumped out and landed about 2m from the tank, it was still covered and it escaped through a tiny hole.

Don't forget that they will also not like 50% water changes on an EI tank too much, so you will have to get the water as close temp wise as poss and hope the Ph isn't too much different in your tap to your tank (thinking CO2)

I am heavy with my fish load though so I think they are still a bit wary of the Bettas, Danios and Mollys.

I've had 6 amano and 3-4 bumblebee shrimp in my EI tank for over 6 months now, and they've been fine. Can't tell if there's been any deaths, but i know there's still many of them hanging around and doing well. I do a 50% water change each week.

I did have some cherry shrimp a long time back in a tank which also had a betta. I went to my room one day to find half a shrimp hanging out of it's mouth :( I dont know if the shrimp was dead to start with though.
When I bought my 5 Amanos, 2 guppy fry accidentally found their way into the bag, both the fry are fine, the shrimp went for the algae more than the fish.

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