Amano Shrimp


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes, UK
Excuse my excitement ....

When I looked in the tank last night I saw that one of the shrimps was completely laden with eggs - yippee!! :)

I know that there is a 99.9% chance that they will come to nothing (having read the various sites on Amano Breeding and the attempt by Bloo) but I felt a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside as we have only had the fish and shrimps in the tank for a few months - they must be happy.

I thought that something was happening the night before as they were all whizzing round the tank like mad things - now I know that there was some shrimp love stuff going on :blush:

Is it best to put her in a quarantine tank so that she is away from the rest of her tankmates (12 Neons and 4 other Amano Shrimps) while she is laden with eggs? Also, we are due to do a water change tonight, should that go ahead as usual?

Any help gratefully received.

Congratulations :good: it must be shrimp breeding season or something - there are so many "my shrimp has eggs" threads around :lol:
Mine are carrying eggs as well at the moment but I don't have the time at the moment to dedicate another few weeks to another breeding attempt – it's hard work !

Just carry on as usual – you will just stress the shrimp by removing her. And just do your normal water changes :)

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