amano shrimp....


Twiglet and Eeyore
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I'm not sure if I'm 'allowed' yet, but I was thinking of keeping a couple of amano shrimp in a 5 US gallon planted tank with a male betta.

How many shrimp could I have if any?

I actually have 3 already in my community tank...they are great. Mine are doing very well, one in particular has doubled his size.

They dont bother the fish and the fish dont bother them.

I've been told in the betta forum not to keep amano shrimp with my male betta. They say the betta will probably try and eat the shrimp and the shrimp may eat the bettas fins.
abstract said:
i'd say up to 3 in a 5g

Ive got 5 amano shrimp and about 5 bumble bee shrimp. They are excellent community members and dont seem to bother any of my fish. You can often find the discarded skins as they moult. They are brilliant to watch as it makes a change from looking at the fish.

I recommend them :cool:

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