Amano Shrimp With Barbs & Gourami's


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2009
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Hi there

I have 3 Amano shrimp, currently on their own in a 5 gallon tank, which I ideally need to free up.

I would like to introduce them to my 38 Gallon, but I have 2 large Female Gold Gourami's and a shoal of Odessa Barb. I wouldn't want anything to happen to the Shrimp. so really I'm asking if anyone has any experience of this kind of mix (the Amano's are quite big).

Otherwise, I could put them into a 20 gallon tank which currently holds fry.

Thanks for any help :)
If they are pretty big amanos I think they should be okay, I had lace gouramis with amanos and they never bothered them, not sure about the barbs but at a guess they should be okay. You can always give them a try and if the shrimp are getting picked at then you could move them to the fry tank.
If they are pretty big amanos I think they should be okay, I had lace gouramis with amanos and they never bothered them, not sure about the barbs but at a guess they should be okay. You can always give them a try and if the shrimp are getting picked at then you could move them to the fry tank.

Thanks Liam. That sounds sensible.

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