Amano shrimp tank question


New Member
Jun 26, 2023
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Hey I'm very new to fish keeping, so still very much learning.

I have a tank with 8 amano shrimp in, but I'm thinking maybe about getting rid of everything in there and changing out the gravel for the aquarium soil stuff. What do the shrimp need to survive, would they be okay in a small plastic tank with a heater and small filter or something whilst I re do their tank? Coz I'd probably have to recycle their tank I'm assuming when I'm done if I'm changing out the substrate?

I've got another small tank which I set up in an emergency for my male betta but I've been really enjoying planting it up etc and I wanna change things in this tank.

Any advice would be great :)
Go for sand instead of soil, it's inert and won't affect water chemistry, like soils may do...
When I rescape my tank I put my 6 into a bucket with some plants and an airstone - usually takes a few hours but try and keep their filters going in some way.
When I rescape my tank I put my 6 into a bucket with some plants and an airstone - usually takes a few hours but try and keep their filters going in some way.
Ah that's good to know, do you think it's okay to just put everyone back in then when I'm done? Don't need to worry about cycling again?
I have no experience with that soil, I use sand in all of my tanks

Yes, sand is easy to keep clean, much easier than gravel, IME
Ah that's good to know, do you think it's okay to just put everyone back in then when I'm done? Don't need to worry about cycling again?
As long as you preserve your beneficial bacteria in your filter media, yes, they can go right back in...
If I don't touch the filter it'll be okay if it's dry for a few hours?
DO NOT let your filter media become dry; keep it submerged in old tank water during the entire process

The filter housing itself can dry out, without causing issues
The simplest is to put the filter in with the shrimps.

Sand is good for plants. Heavy root feeders need root tablets, other plants just need liquid fertiliser.

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