Spirulina is in fact NOT a
saltwater macroalgae. Where are you getting your info?
Please research the information before you give your opinion, otherwise you are simply misleading people.
Spirulina is a
single-celled cyanobacteria. After a quick google to freshen my memory, it seems the main species can grow in varying different salinities, and there is specific freshwater species too. What it does need is very high levels of carbonates and bicarbonates (very alkaline water), which would kill shrimp zoes.
The kit Mads linked to would not work and would be no better than feeding powdered spirulina. The phytoplankton is cultured at about 1/3 strength seawater salinity and even if it wasn't, the algae wouldn't grow in the shrimp tank without its bi/carbonates. So as soon as you added it to the shrimp tank, it would start to die and pollute the water the same as the dried stuff would, except more time-consuming and expensive!
Took me too long to find this navigating old posts, only to realise its actually quite easy to find through the species index
. But heres the old thread that inspired me to try breeding them too:
http/www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/132630-breeding-amano-shrimp/ .