Amano Shrimp Pregnant?


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
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one of my amano shrimp has recently grown like a green belly and what looks like bits of sand in it. any ideas?
none of my other shrimp have this.
one of my amano shrimp has recently grown like a green belly and what looks like bits of sand in it. any ideas?
none of my other shrimp have this.

Sounds like its carrying eggs but I dont think they hatch in freshwater.
The eggs do hatch out but the very tiny larvae only live for a few days in fresh water.
so are amanos brackish then? why would they not live in fresh?
No, they live in fresh water but their larvae (zoes) need brackish/sea water to survive and as they grow/morph they return to fresh water. I think there was a thread a few months ago on breeding attempts by Mr G. Try the search option on breeding amano.

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