Amano Shrimp In My 29G Community


Fish Crazy
Aug 5, 2008
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Currently I have a 10 g invert tank and a 29 g community tank (see stocking in my siggy).  Can I move those 2 Amanos from the 10 g into the 29 g permanently for some algae cleaning action?  Also, I wanted to have just RCS in my 10 g because I've heard sometimes they don't breed if other shrimp are around and being bullish.
well you always run the risk of shrimp getting eaten but if you get enough hiding places i dont see why not
I've had good luck with amano shrimp in community tanks. I can't say it's a fact, but my personal opinion is that their drab coloration makes them less of a target. I've had cherry shrimp get eaten when amano were not eaten in the same tank.
As ncguppy830 said's no guarantee, there's always some risk. Fish love live food, and shrimp is on the menu for many fish.
I've had amano shrimps in my 125 litre tank for four and a half years - the same shrimps for those years, though I lost a female a couple of weeks ago, possibly of old age. The largest fish in the tank with them over those years has been a male cockatoo cichlid, and even when the apistos have spawned, the amanos have coped. There are also dwarf chain loaches in with them (for longer than the amanos) and they've lived with them with no problem.
The tank is a tangle of silk plant and plastic root style decor covered with java fern and anubias, so maybe those give the shrimps somewhere to hide when they need to.
I had problems getting my rcs to breed when kept with two amano shrimp. so I moved the amanos into my 33g community tank and they are happy as pigs in poop. my rcs have had babies within a month of the amanos being moved.
My rcs never had a baby when they were in the same tank as the amano shrimp.

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