Amano Shrimp Disappeared Overnight?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2005
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I have had 5 amano shrimp in my tank for the last year, they have grown pretty big all seemed happy enough. they even survived a tank upgrade (tricky to catch!), and even an outbreak of whitespot and the accompanying medication and temperature increase and then being lowered

However yesterday I introduced a load of new plants to my tank to make it look better. The shrimp were last seen sitting on the spray bar of one on my internal filters last night, today, there is no trace of any of them. No empty shells, no bodies nothing!

The largest fish I have is a platy, so being eaten is not an option?

do they ever leave the water and any ideas what could have happened?

My water stats are fine, no ammonia, nitrite and ph of 7.5. Nitrate is perhaps on the high side, hence the introduction of some more plants.

Its a mystery! I dont think they are hiding as they are alwasy active and its easy to spot at least one.
I hadnt seen my Amano shrimp in 2 weeks, then saw all of them so i wouldnt worry.
They might show up yet, but new plants are a danger to shrimp due to the chemicals used to ‘clean’ them of snails or algae. I have added new plants without soaking them long enough only to have the shrimp trying to get out of the tank, I removed the plants did a big water change and the shrimp settled down.
They might show up yet, but new plants are a danger to shrimp due to the chemicals used to ‘clean’ them of snails or algae. I have added new plants without soaking them long enough only to have the shrimp trying to get out of the tank, I removed the plants did a big water change and the shrimp settled down.

you know what, I had not even considered that... I have just spotted one shrimp hiding behind the bog wood, so I am guessing they are all there, but they dont usually do this, so I reckon that you might be right. Unfortunately not got time to do a water change today, but I have put a carbon filter in this morning and turned filter right up. Best I can do at the moment! fingers crossed. At least they have not died yet.

Cheers for the advice!
They will leave the water, even jump out of the tank, but they dont survive long if this happens. They can however travel a surprisingly large distance from the tank...
Indeed i found one wandering across the wood floor in the livingroom when we swapped wood around in the 3 tanks :blink:
Indeed i found one wandering across the wood floor in the livingroom when we swapped wood around in the 3 tanks :blink:

just to update everyone, they are all there, they were all hiding packed together behind a piece of bogwood, since using the carbon and doing a water change at the weekend they have started walking around the tank a lot more now. so thats great! they must have been unhappy. the missus was doing her nut at the thought of shrimps walking around her feet....

Oh and when I tried moving the shrimp from the old tank to the new tank, I forgot they had legs and were able to climb out of the net I was using to catch them... oh the fun I had!!!

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