Amano Shrimp Changing Colour


Fish Fanatic
Jul 15, 2010
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I noticed when I did a long term move from a tank upstairs to downstairs, that all of my amano shrimp had went from a translucent white to an electric blue. When they got the heater and filter back on, they were back to being thier normal colour. Anyone shed some light on this phenominom?
I noticed when I did a long term move from a tank upstairs to downstairs, that all of my amano shrimp had went from a translucent white to an electric blue. When they got the heater and filter back on, they were back to being thier normal colour. Anyone shed some light on this phenominom?

I don't know about "electric blue" but my amano shrimp has a much more blueish-silver colouring rather than clear or dull grey, and his little brown markings have gotten a bit more pronounced. This is all since moving him to my newer tank and having him moult a few times. In a thread I posted recently, and some research I've done, I was told that maybe him moulting so much is due to stress or some sort of change in water, but he's out and about and seems very content to me, so I still think that at least he is very comfortable (I'll have to look into my yellow shrimp still).

I'd like to see a photo of your guy to compare. Mine is definitely more blue than he used to be.

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