Amano Shrimp Breeding Diary


I think therefore I shouldn't
Jul 31, 2006
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I've decided to attempt to breed my amano shrimp as they seem keen to produce eggs on a regular basis. My first main attempt started yesterday when I caught a shrimp which was carrying eggs and put her into a holding tank till she released the larvae. Now I'm not sure if it helps at this stage of the breeding but she released the eggs overnight. This could be a coincidence or she could have done it in protest to being moved. But never mind, I fished out the eggs I could and put them into a bottle hatchery containing full sea water 1.030SG. That's where i'm up to and I hope to document my success or failure here to try and demistify the problems surrounding the breeding of these invertibrates.

There are a few articles which I have pulled my methodology from which i'll try and find again and put the links to here to add background to what I'm doing.
Looks like she didn't appreciate the move :lol:

Not sure about hatching the dropped eggs in salt water but worth a try I guess :) Good luck.
last time i tried this i brought 10 shrimp 2 differant tanks and equip. then the shrimp never got beeried lol i still have around 8 of the shrimp to this day and never been berried. so good look your allready futher than i got.
i also remember reading a diary i think on this site where the person got quite far could be worth a serch.
My 4 females (I have 1 male) have not stopped carrying eggs :lol: Perhaps I'm feeding too much :rolleyes:
I've decided to attempt to breed my amano shrimp as they seem keen to produce eggs on a regular basis. My first main attempt started yesterday when I caught a shrimp which was carrying eggs and put her into a holding tank till she released the larvae. Now I'm not sure if it helps at this stage of the breeding but she released the eggs overnight. This could be a coincidence or she could have done it in protest to being moved. But never mind, I fished out the eggs I could and put them into a bottle hatchery containing full sea water 1.030SG. That's where i'm up to and I hope to document my success or failure here to try and demistify the problems surrounding the breeding of these invertibrates.

There are a few articles which I have pulled my methodology from which i'll try and find again and put the links to here to add background to what I'm doing.

I tried to hatch cherry eggs like this. Are you areating them?

One of my amanos is berried just now, I think i'll try raising the eggs too. I have a little bowl thats had a population of brine shrimp living in there for almost 6 years(seamonkey joke xmas present). All I do is top up the water and drop in the occasional pinch of food. If I see any amano zoes I'll dump them in there.
Well so far there's been nothing, I'm aerating the hatching bottle with a steady flow of bubbles from an open ended air line, no air stone as I don't want to turn my hatchery into a protein skimmer! I think I'll have a shrimp with eggs soon as the males we going crazy tonight so one of the females must be releasing pheromones and is ready to produce eggs again, I think I'll wait till they look nearly ready and i'll put her in the breeding tank to drop the eggs, larvae. Then we try again!

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