I've decided to attempt to breed my amano shrimp as they seem keen to produce eggs on a regular basis. My first main attempt started yesterday when I caught a shrimp which was carrying eggs and put her into a holding tank till she released the larvae. Now I'm not sure if it helps at this stage of the breeding but she released the eggs overnight. This could be a coincidence or she could have done it in protest to being moved. But never mind, I fished out the eggs I could and put them into a bottle hatchery containing full sea water 1.030SG. That's where i'm up to and I hope to document my success or failure here to try and demistify the problems surrounding the breeding of these invertibrates.
There are a few articles which I have pulled my methodology from which i'll try and find again and put the links to here to add background to what I'm doing.
There are a few articles which I have pulled my methodology from which i'll try and find again and put the links to here to add background to what I'm doing.