Amano Shrimp Acclimatisation / Acclimatization


New Member
Jul 27, 2006
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Hull, UK
I was just wondering what the best way of introducing amano shrimp into an aquarium is?

Just the standard way (which you would do for fish) or the drip method?

Thanks, Andy
I got mine from someone who lives very close to me, so i just put the bag in the tank for 5 minutes for tank to be the same then put the shrimp in as the water is the same.

Though just a word of warning you barbs may go for them. :)
I was just wondering what the best way of introducing amano shrimp into an aquarium is?

Just the standard way (which you would do for fish) or the drip method?

Thanks, Andy
seems the like brackish too.
I've always just added mine in the same way I add fish and have never had any problems or losses.

I would also agree with jayjay's comment/concerns regarding the barbs - your shrimp may just end up as expensive 'fish food'.

The danio's are probably OK.

Speaking of shrimp being food for fish:

I want to get some Amano, or Cherry Red shrimp and I was wondering if My fish (look in sig) would eat them?
Speaking of shrimp being food for fish:

I want to get some Amano, or Cherry Red shrimp and I was wondering if My fish (look in sig) would eat them?

My thoughts .......

6 Corydoras Trilineatus - Safe I have 2 types of Cory in with mine and have no problems, even when the shrimp are breeding.

4 Kuhli Loaches - Safe.
I have kept Kuhli's with shrimp in the past without any issues.

1 Bolivian Ram - Not sure,
No experience, but I've heard conflicting reports, some say it's fine others who have had problems.

1 Dwarf/Honey Gourami (Bought it as like Honey Sunset Flame Dwarf Gourami!) - Safe
Unless your shrimps start carrying eggs. My dwarf gourami got very interested in them once they were carrying eggs and I've spoken to somebody else who's Honey gourami did the same. But without eggs, no problems

2 Cherry Barbs - Warning:
Might find your shrimp 'Tasty' I've no personal experience of the barb/shrimp mix, but I know somebody who lost 8 shrimp (4 cherry, 4 amano) to his Tiger barbs in less than a week.

8 Harlequin Rasboras - Safe
You should have no problems here.

Cherry Barbs are a lot different than Tiger Barbs!!! Although to test the fish I will get a couple of Ghost shrimp and see if my fish want to eat them, then I think I'll have a good idea of if shrimp will work in my tank. (Don't worry, If they get picked on too much, I'll put them in a net breeder) Are cherry and amano shrimp bigger than ghost shrimp though?

Thanks for the reply and good "profile" of my fish, Mr G!
Cherry Barbs are a lot different than Tiger Barbs!!! Although to test the fish I will get a couple of Ghost shrimp and see if my fish want to eat them, then I think I'll have a good idea of if shrimp will work in my tank. (Don't worry, If they get picked on too much, I'll put them in a net breeder) Are cherry and amano shrimp bigger than ghost shrimp though?

Thanks for the reply and good "profile" of my fish, Mr G!

Yeah ... Cherry Barbs might be OK, but I dont actually know ... hence the 'warning'.

I think your idea of trying a ghost shrimp is the best way to check and it would also be a way to check on the Bolivian ram.
my barbs are really small at the moment, maximum about 3cm long (yeah, i know they reach 7cm)

should be ok for now until i can find a new home for the shrimp =]
my bolivian rams, barbs and khulis are fine with shrimp :)

however my gobies, which are less than half the shrimps size, had one for a tasty snack... (then my dwarf frog claimed the rest) however i think it was a one off cos it was a smaller shrimp...
ive had some with barbs ,gourami, and tetras, they do very well, but water has to be good
I put 5 rosy barbs in with my amano shrimps and all my shrimps died or disappeared (presumed eaten) within a matter of days. :sad:

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