seems the like brackish too.I was just wondering what the best way of introducing amano shrimp into an aquarium is?
Just the standard way (which you would do for fish) or the drip method?
Thanks, Andy
Speaking of shrimp being food for fish:
I want to get some Amano, or Cherry Red shrimp and I was wondering if My fish (look in sig) would eat them?
Cherry Barbs are a lot different than Tiger Barbs!!! Although to test the fish I will get a couple of Ghost shrimp and see if my fish want to eat them, then I think I'll have a good idea of if shrimp will work in my tank. (Don't worry, If they get picked on too much, I'll put them in a net breeder) Are cherry and amano shrimp bigger than ghost shrimp though?
Thanks for the reply and good "profile" of my fish, Mr G!