Am I the only one


Fish Crazy
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
I just don't get it. My boyfriend buys a betta for his nephew, which will be living at his house. First thing I asked was what is it living in. That would be this:

It doesn't seem to be the worst betta home, but certainly not the best, space wise anyway. Then theres my friend keeping 3 goldfish in a 10g.

Am I the only one that no one listens to? It's like he doesn't think I know what I'm talking about, and "they wouldn't sell it if it wasn't ok". grrr!!! I am no fish expert by any means, but how could anyone think a living creature would be happy living in a space barely big enough to move around in?

How do we get these people to understand? :( :S
:-( Really Sad Place

I really dont know what to tell u.... :sad:
He said it's bigger than the cups at wal*mart (thats where he got everything) but it really doesn't look big to me. I was talking to him on the phone while he was setting it up & he was following the directions & putting the plant & decoration in. Now a betta in there sure, but other things?


ok rant over :)
:rolleyes: that's male beings for you :rolleyes:

with that kinda price you can get a 1G! tell him to keep teh betta in a plastc 1g shoebox (what i do) jus tmake sure it's clear.

I recently gave one of my bf my fish (it's his first fish ever) and he's actually really good to it. I told him the fish will need at least a 1g and he went the shoebox idea, bought him a plant, some rocks and a thermeter!

he probably knows that if he mistreats my fish i'll kill him :p
it sure is ;) ;)

'Mine' SHOULD know this, I've told him at least 100 times how sick small betta bowls are. I offered him my extra 1 gallon critter keeper, he may take it so he says. Those are $5, and w/ him being all cheap I don't get that either, hehe.
noone listens to me either, lol. especially my brother.

if they dont listen to uou now, they never will. you will just have to take things into your own hands, and get the betta a nicer home. they sell 1 gallon tanks at walmart for $10, which is cheper than the one in the link, and it comes with everything.
cutecotton said:
I recently gave one of my bf my fish (it's his first fish ever) and he's actually really good to it. I told him the fish will need at least a 1g and he went the shoebox idea, bought him a plant, some rocks and a thermeter!
Lol cc "one" of your bf? You have more than one? Does he know about this? :p
:p oops you didn't read that! *erases it* :lol: and dont' tell my bf either! he knows the link to this forum :ninja:
cutecotton said:
:p oops you didn't read that! *erases it* :lol: and dont' tell my bf either! he knows the link to this forum :ninja:
Bad girl! I'lm gonna tell your boy friend :whistle: LOL! We'll make sure he sees this post :) does he have an account?
Hey! I'm male! And my betta lives in a 10g. :rofl:

That bowl doesn't look . . . well, I've seen worse. :thumbs: At least their giving good advice on how the betta ought to be kept . . .
Muah! I am victorious :D He said maybe I should bring my extra 1g over, hehe. We also had a lengthy discussion about the importance of listening to me ;)
abe said:
Muah! I am victorious :D He said maybe I should bring my extra 1g over, hehe. We also had a lengthy discussion about the importance of listening to me ;)
always the best type of conversation :lol:
today i had to sell a goldfish to an extremely rude/stubborn/uneducated man who wanted to put it in a bowl.
everytime i tried to say something, he would cut me off and say, "no." and he kept saying "we have had one in a bowl for 3 months and he is happy." great achievement considering they are supposed to live 20 years...
well i would like to know how to test a fishs happiness. apparently he knows how...
i even tried to convince him to get a betta but of course to no avail.

after he left, one of my coworkers told me that we can actually refuse to sell a fish to a customer if they do not have an adequate tank. i could have saved that little fish, had i known that :-(

well-theres my rant...sorry its a bit off topic...i was just angry

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