Fish Crazy
Am I right that pic 1 is an aptasia, and that pic 2 is a flatworm?
Perhaps it is my computer screen, but yes, it does look like aptasia...but also somewhat like a zoanthid. If you were to poke at it with something (probably other than your finger), does it sort of suck itself up into the rock, or just curl up like it looks to be in the photo? If it sucks itself up, then I would almost certainly say aptasia, if not, zoanthid or something similar.
The second photo is hard to see other than it being a small yellow/orange dot becuase it is so small.
Yes, it does go back into the rock very quickly when touched with a stick so I'm afraid it is an aptasia. Strange my peppermints have ignored it. I have found that the second pic is a flatworm so shall have to deal with that as well. A BAD day... but thanks for reply.
Yuk. So would a small wrass eat a 4" bristleworm? Please say yes as I think there is another one same size.