Am I Really Being Cruel?!


Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 10, 2008
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Hi, my Betta is in a 28l cube with my 2 ADF. It is obviously heated and filtered. I am being somewhat criticised on another forum as "28l (25l with displacement) is too small for anything but shrimp". This has made me doubt myself and I'm feeling a little upset that I may be being unintentionally cruel. I know people's views on minimum tank size varies but is this really so small as to be cruel for a single Betta and 2 frogs?
I don't believe it to be too small no. Not at all. Which forum is this you are on about do you mind me asking?
I won't judge you, but I will tell you that I would personally keep a Betta only in a tank between 30*30*30cm and 60*30*30cm in size.
The tank is 30cm wide, 28cm deep (but bow fronted to 32cm) and 25 high. The forum is PFK (am I allowed to say that?). I've only just joined there and find them rather judgemental...
I don't think you're being cruel at all. One of my boys is in a 25 ltr tank by himself and the day after I put him it he proceeded to build a huge bubble nest, and keeps rebuilding it every other day. My other male on the other hand is in a 60 ltr tank and actually became so stressed at the current and the size of the territory that he ate his beautiful fins.

So don't worry about it, and I'm sure your male will be more than happy ^^
Ascertaining appropriate tank size for bettas is far less objective than some people would have you believe. Once you have ensured that growth is not stunted and water quality can be maintained then it often seems to come down to opinion. Some people do seem to equate minimum with ideal. Use your own judgment, and if your fish is active and healthy and has plenty of space to swim around and decor to keep him occupied then I am sure he is fine. However, I think it is safe to say that keeping a betta in a 28L tank is most certainly not cruel. I have heard about bettas living long healthy lives in far smaller spaces.

For what it's worth, I have a betta in a 30L tank with pygmy corys, he's been there for a year and he is healthy, active, and as far as I can tell, 'happy'.
My Betta Plakat also didnt like being a in a 60L and i found him dead on the floor. Although i do sense foul play by my cats, never-the-less he was never happy in the 60L and hid under plants half the time to avoid the current. Bettas are known to prefere smaller tanks, smaller not tiny. So long as you don't go much lower than a 20L there shouldnt be any doubts over animal cruelty on your behalf.

Yes, PFK can be rather judemental. I signed up to them a few years back and last no longer than 2 months before i was fed up with some of the ludicrous things people accused others of. Then again there are many great members on their, so its not all bad, but i certainly prefere here.
I think you have enough fish to know whether they're happy and well looked after enough :)

I used to keep my Betta in a 20L and he was happier in that size tank than he was in a 35L, I think too much space really does make them feel insecure. Use your own instinct and do what you personally think is right as you know your own fish better than anyone.
Just because someone elses opinion is different to yours, it doesn't make them right and you wrong :)
I have 5 betta tanks 1 is 60L and has some Green Neons in with him the other 4 are 25L fluval chi my betta's are in good health and happy your tank size is fine :good:
Mine's in a 20l and seems perfectly happy. Though I've only had him since Saturday lol.

I'm going to be getting a snall shoal of Galaxies to go with him too. Like other people say, if he seems happy, not stunted and water stats are good then he's fine.
That isnt cruel at all. What is cruel is how most pet stores put them in small cups and forget about them until they cant sell them due to death. The forum telling you that your being curel needs a reality check.

Good job taking care of your betta :)
The forum is PFK (am I allowed to say that?). I've only just joined there and find them rather judgemental...
I decided it wasn't worth even reading that after a quick browse, if that helps :)
the only thing that I could add is to please be dedicated about feeding the ADF their own food - fish flakes/fish food is not a suitable diet and they hunt by scent, so the betta will always find the food first unless you hand/turkey baster/tweezer feed the frogs.
i wouldn't say its cruel i had one betta that sulked in anything bigger than a 2.5gal but loved living in there, if he is happy then i see no problem with it :good:

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