Am I Ready For Fish


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Am i ready for Berta and Ernie my clown fish.

380l tank 150l sump

Temp 25c
Salinity 1.025-1.026
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 2-5
Ph 8.3

Does it matter that i haven't got my proper lights yet ?
lights aren't important to the fish, the lights are for your viewing pleasure, unless you have plants or corals etc
any CUc in there? water stats are just add a couple of CUC memebers and see how they do for a week. if they all survive try a small
fish. Just better to lose a few crabs and snails compared to a fish if you get me.
Stats look good to me. Like Ben said just try a couple of hermits or snails and see how they get on. If everything is ok after a while then you could start thinking about adding fish but stock slowly and give each fish a chance to settle. Remember it's a new setup so you don't want to suddenly increase the bioload.
I got 4 hermits (3 red 1 black and white) and 2 snails that have been in there for about a week. I lost 1 mexican turbo snail but i didn't find a body just an empty shell so i wondered if the hermits did him in.

Is a clown fish a small fish ? Wouldn't i be better adding them as a pair rather than singularly ?
id add a fish or two then. a pair of clowns would be a good start. little tip though...if you get some clowns get some live brine at the same time. sometimes clowns are a bit picky food wise at the start. so feed them on live brine for a day or two after and start to introduce other foods once youve got them eating. when they are settled in, they are bullet proof

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