Am I Paranoid? Fungal Crap On Betta Lady


New Member
Sep 16, 2007
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It seems that I have been having little problems with my two female bettas from a certain store ever since the beginning. Now, my girl Lethe has something suspicious on her "chin" area. Over the past few days I have noticed a strange bump that has now grown into what looks like something fungal. It's still pretty tiny, but it has definitely gotten bigger than when I first noticed it. There is only one, small, cotton like mass but she also seems to have "cataracts" on her eyes.

I don't know what to do about it. I have been doing things pretty "textbook" so far, so I'm thinking that the new girls have carried something over from the pet store.

Should I be getting some medicine or what?

PS: I will try to get some pictures as soon as she stays still long enough. I got one but you couldn't even see the thing at the angle it was taken at, and against her white scales.
It could very well be fungus :sick: Separate from the tank if there are other fish and treat water with meds. you can buy at you local pet store. Also watch your other fish for sign of it too, It is not really contagious; but better safe than sorry,

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