Am I Overstocked


Fish Fanatic
Apr 16, 2009
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I know I am probably a little overstocked, but wanted some of your opinions on the matter.

Tank size: 5.5 gallon: heavily planted
Fish: 2 sparkling gouramis, one pygmy cory (survivor), 2 panda cories (friends for survivior)
Shrimp and snails: 3 cherry, 1 amano, 1 ghost, 1 zebra snail, 10 trumpet snails.
Water changes: 35-50% once or twice weekly.
Filtration: Aquaclear 20, two sponges and biomax

I figured I was ok since I have good filtration and lots of plants, but I could give my sister some shrimp if it would make a difference. I don't feed much since the fish are small and it seems to be working well. Thanks.

forgot to mentionthe tank has been running for over six months
If it were me I would swap the panda cories for 3 more pygmy cories, cories need their own kind not similars they will group together but its not perfect for them. Sounds like a nice little set up you have though :)

I'd love to have more pygmys but the only LFS that carries them here stopped since people were having trouble with them. I had six in there originally and they 9except one survivor) died off months ago. I am reluctant to buy more regardless since they don't do well with our hard water apparently. I bought the pandas so the little guy had at least some other cory. The pandas hang-out a bit with the pygmy during the day, and they sleep side by side too. Sometimes I do feel sorry for the lone pygmy though.

Ah realized the situation when I re read it, sounds like theres not much you can do and have done the next best thing :) If you ever do see other pygmy cories maybe pick up an other one so the 4 of them can live together. Not ideal but in this situation the best option IMO :good:

Any pics of the tank? Pygmy gourami/small cory mixes are one of my favorite combos in small tanks :)
no pics unfortunately, but I am pretty happy with how this community of fish and shrimp get along. They're all roughly the same size, which means no aggression except maybe a bit with the gouramis once and awhile.

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