AM I overstocked


New Member
Apr 11, 2004
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My tank setup
80 gallon tank
fluval 404
some largish plants

8 mid sized neon tetras
10 head lamp tetras (red eyed)
2 midsized platinum gouramis
1 little platinum gourami
3 little pearl gouramis
5 spotted catfish around 2 cm long
2 midsized redtailed sharks

if not is there any recomdations as to what to add that wpuld work well?
The current size of the fish isn't the important factor. It's how big they will get when adults.

So what you've got:
8 neon tetras x 1.5" = 12"
10 head lamp tetras (red eyed) x 2.5" = 25"
3 blue (platinum) gouramis x 6" = 18"
3 pearl gouramis x 4" = 12"
5 spotted catfish around 2 cm long x ???
(what kind of fish is this exactly? they could be full-sized now or get to 12+" depending on the species!)
2 redtailed sharks x 5" = 10" (Consider getting rid of one ASAP. They do not get along with same species at all.)

That's about 72" of fish, not counting the 5 unknown catfish.

I'm not sure if you're pushing the limits yet. If you can find out what your catfish is and also answer the following, we can probably help more:

How long has the tank been running?
What are your water parameters?
How often do you have to change your water?
How much do you change?
Is the tank planted?

And one more question:

Does the tank seem empty? It sounds great to me already. What's missing that you want to add more?

HTH! :thumbs:
like said avove it really depends on what these spotted catfish are... are they Corydoras melanistis ? if so you are fine or are they Baryancistrus sp which are plecs. or do you mean a type of synodontis? really need more info to be honest.

deffinatly get rid of one red tailed shark though or you could have mayhem :eek:
I don't think your'e overstocked- depending on the catfish though- but I don't think you need to add more. It seems like you've got a lovely set up going.
If you keep a close watch on the water chemistry and if modernhamlet's calcs are correct, you shouldn't be too bad. Then again, I take no stock in the 1" rule, and it's totally obsolete when it comes to big fish like gouramis.

You might be able to get away with it, but I'm not so sure about the sharks.
i asked about the catfish and they only grow to 1 inch each they are spotted catfish. also about the sharks, they are fine. They each have their own little spot and there is NO fighting what so ever (it suprised me to). its planted been running for about 1 month and i do 20 percent water bi weekly. mid planted.

I also lost a neon tetra today. i was bumping around up the top and the nozzily bit of the filter fell of and the tetra go sucked right in. I saved it but i died a couple of hours later :byebye: .
just because there is no agression just yet it may not always be that way.

just something to bare in mind.
when the shark reaches its max size will it eat the other fish? , just curious,
SHARK WARS!!! is an excuse to get a new tank :p or there will be much fighting and biting and no fins or tails left very soon.

mind u we have a tank with a red tailed shark and it is firmly put in its place by the pearl catfish - definite pecking order :D
They used to fight like cat and dog. I night i went to bed thinking, "Im gonna have to isolate on of those" I went to the aquarium and bought on of those 7 dollar tank in a tank things and a platinum gourami. I put the platinum in and it immediatly started chasing the red tails. The platinum has calmed down but I think it has stopped the red tails fighting.
Hey could someone tell me what the site is that calculates the amount of fish you can keep. You punch in your tank sixe and that type of stuff. :D


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