Am I Over Feeding?


Dec 17, 2009
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Ive got 4 Bronze corys and also a young BN plec i feed them about 10-12 little algea pellet things in the morning and a algea wafer in the after noon the pellets are gone when i get home but it takes them from around 6 to 10 at night or later to eat the whole wafer i feed them that every day but every 3 days i will give them a frozen cube of bloodworms or brine shrimp and a cucumber for the plec which they do nibble on instead of a algea wafer in the after noon.

So its...

Day 1 Pellets in morning algea wafer at night
Day 2 Same as above
Day 3 pellets in morning frozen bloodworm at night
Day 4 Reapeat..

Does that sound too much? they do eat the flakes that the fish dont eat that hit the bottom too and the fish eat the blooworm with the corys and plec so they dont get it all.
Hi Ethan040 :)

I don't know what brand of food you're giving them so I can't really know how much food they are getting. If you have gravel as substrate, how much dirt are you pulling out every week? Do you see any evidence of uneaten food or filler? Are they in the water long enough to dissolve? If not, and if the water quality remains good, you are probably feeding them right. :)
Hi the brand i use is king british when i get home from work il post the name of the foods i only see uneaten flake after feeding and the algea wafer but that allways goes after a while and most of the uneaten flake is gone after a few hours as the shrimp eat it when the light goes off at night.

I feed flake in the morning and afternoon also is that too i give them a decent size pinch but theres 8 guppys and 5 black skirt tetra in there also.

Hi Ethan040 :)

If it takes a few hours for the flake food to be eaten, chances are that you're giving them too much. Since you feed the fish several times a day, they only need a little bit at a time. It should be eaten within minutes so that it doesn't dissolve and pollute the water. :)
Ah ok il cut the flake down to one serving a day then and maybe just the one/one and a half algea wafer a day as they nibble on the BN plecs veg aswell.

Il have a go and see how it goes :good: there a bit like my dog no matter how much they eat they still look starved to death lol.

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