Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
i brought some plants from a fish shop and put them straight in the same day i have since read that they are often treated with snail killer in the form of copper solution or other things i noticed a little pest snail tazzing around the tank so yook him out and put him in a cup on the winowsill i now addded a yellow striped snail in with spikes on its shell and his moving around the tank like he was in the shop so this leads me to think that they cant of put snail killer on the plants as theyre both still going strong this is also backed up by the fact the shop had a few snails in the plant tanks so will i be ok to put shrimp in or will this poison them, i have a small heater in it a cycled filter and a sutable light it is a 10 litre tank please give some advice.
sorry for spelling mistakes
sorry for spelling mistakes