Am I Not Feeding Enough?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2005
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My angel fish are fighting over the alge wafers after they are done eating. I feed them 1 cube of Blood worm and 1 cube of brine shrimp along with a little but of flakes in the morining, and at night I just give them flakes. I also throw in 1/2 a cube of vegetables. This is for 5 angels 2 gourami's a rainbow shark and 2 plec's. I also add in 3 alge wafers and 2 bottom feeder tablets at each feeding. I was worried about overfeeding, which I am still worried about, but my angels are always begging for food, so am I actually underfeeding them?
My angel fish are fighting over the alge wafers after they are done eating. I feed them 1 cube of Blood worm and 1 cube of brine shrimp along with a little but of flakes in the morining, and at night I just give them flakes. I also throw in 1/2 a cube of vegetables. This is for 5 angels 2 gourami's a rainbow shark and 2 plec's. I also add in 3 alge wafers and 2 bottom feeder tablets at each feeding. I was worried about overfeeding, which I am still worried about, but my angels are always begging for food, so am I actually underfeeding them?

My fish do that all the time. Fish will eat anything they find. But its up to the owner to control there food intake... I think your giving the, more than enough for one day. I used to have the feeling that my fish are starving... But if you feed them too much each day then they will get used to that and start wanting more than they actually need. I heard that fish can eat from the water particles or somethin, So I would think there actually getting food from the water.

-Arrowhead :D
Most fish will eat anything you put in the tank. My angels love the sinking shrimp pellets and sinking wafers I drop in for my corys. Sometimes I do worry that my corys don't get enough because of what the angels and SAEs eat. As for the angels begging for food, it's normal for all fish. Regardless of what time of day I walk near my 75 gallon tank, the angels and tetras almost immediaely come to the top and their normal feeding place, even 15 minutes after I just fed them.
Angels will eat most anything. I toss in algae wafers for the plecs after I turn the lights out.

The best thing to do is put the algae wafers into the tank when it is dark as Tolak said. Your angels will not see them in the tank and your plecs will find them during the night!
Thanks everyone, I was just worried. My angels seem more like little pigs then little fish sometimes. :) Thanks again
Fish are the worst beggers in the animal kingdom I think. My fish constantly beg for more, and
I don't think I've ever seen a fish get "full"

The best thing I have found to do, is stagger feed. Don't give them one whole big huge meal at once, but feed them in little incriments thru out the day. Your fish think they are getting more food, and it is easier on their stomachs.

Also, when uneaten food is blown around the tank due to the filter, it breaks up, and often fish will find this and eat it, even a day later. I wouldn't think that your fish would need quite as much food as you're giving them. Perhaps just give them flakes one day, then just give them bloodworms, then just give them brine shrimp, etc.

Hope I helped at all.

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