Am I Fully Stocked?


Mar 21, 2009
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surrey uk
got 5 small fish including percula clowns tiny mandarin 1inch regal tang and 3 inch puffer im i now done coz i want a bangai tank is either 20gal or 29gal not sure to be a reef tank. do cleaner shrimp count coz i got one of them too
theres no such thing as and inch/so many gallons rule.

its what is compatable
levels of aggression
type of tank
water quality.

nobody can tell you how it will be because every tank is different and all the fish are individuals. Cleaner shrimp dont really contribute much to the bio-load
lol ok i just want a bangai cardinal would this be ok with current stock
For now yes you may be able to DEPENDING on test results and water changes.

However, you do know that the Regal Tang is going to way outgrow that tank don't you. You may be ok for up to a year (if it juvenile now) any longer and will need a much larger tank. The puffer may need more room eventually aswell.

Problem with tangs is that they really swim alot, they will get stressed if they cannot swim and then you end up with white spot.

If you add another fish, you will need to ensure that it does not stress the tang out and you will also need to make sure the tang does not bully the new arrival. To be honest, I would swap the tang for something else that is more suited to your tank size.
yer ok will an lfs take him he is small but as u say not suited to the tank. recently hes adopted a cave which is cute, i heard he just ate algae but mine eats everything brine mysis and pellet havent seen white spot on him but yes i know what you mean. im not going to wait a year maybe a few months thats for the puffer as well after i was thinking of a coral beauty, hawkfish and a bangai or goby.
Those fish you just mentioned there will be far better suited to your tank long-term. Hawk fish may eat smal inverts though and possibly even a goby if its very small
wow really he has such a small mouth lol maybe he's at the bottom of the list then

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