Am I Feeding Right ?


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Johnstone, Scotland
Don't really know if this is good or bad. :blink:

Everytime i walk past my tank my fish follow me. :hyper:

I was just wondering if because it is only me that feeds them they recognise me as the feeder. :shifty: They don't do it to the wife or kids. I really didn't think fish would be able to distinguish between different people.
Whever ever stand next to my tank or open the lid they go crazy but no-one else comes in my room so they don't do it with anyone else but i suspect they would as long as thye got the food.
well my oscars go fricken mental when iam in the room, my wife walks in they dont batter a fin,,,my jaguar cichlid follows me around the room and same again with any other people, we try it with other people and they still dont batter a fin :rolleyes:
My fish do the same ;) , ...

As i am the main feeder in this house they only do it with me too. I don't know why, i think its cute tho they all come to the surface when i open the lid :D and they push eachother out the way ..even my baby fish are starting to do it and they are just 2 weeks old. but my 5 day old fry havent learned just quite yet :lol:
My fish do the same. The corys line up and stare out the front of the glass (very cute), the bristlenose comes and sits on top of his cave, everything else crowds up to the surface. I have a crayfish who will click his claws against the glass when I'm near his tank.
Must admit tho,

It is quite rewarding and satisfying. "at least someone in this house likes me" lol
Am sure my mollies want to be cats!... When i stick my finger in the water they brush against it untill i feed them.. (like what cats do when your putting there food out, they tickle your legs or jump up on the bench!) only my mollies tho not my platy's :sad:
when my girlfriend(soon to be wife)walks by the tanks the fish pay no attention but if i even get remotely close they're all up at the top :D i love feeding time.always puts' a smile on my face after a long day of work.
when my girlfriend(soon to be wife)walks by the tanks the fish pay no attention but if i even get remotely close they're all up at the top :D i love feeding time.always puts' a smile on my face after a long day of work.

Congrats dnn3 on the wedding. Hope you have a great day.
LOL Mine do it too. even if I have just fed them, leave and come back, they are at the front of the tank where the drop site is! lol

Today was the funniest... All of the black skirts were there, as usual, but what I laughed about, was the neons were there too, AND the penguins. All at the top waiting to be fed! :p It is quite funny, when you see 18 fish all in a tiny little group staring at you! :p

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