Am I done?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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I think I've just about completed my 30 gallon tank. However, I'm getting this feeling that I still want to add more fish to the tank. Now I know why so many of you have multiple tanks! My current fish are in my sig.

My origninal plan for the tank was to have two pairs of dwarf cichlids, a school of 6-8 tetras, 3 otos, 6 corys and a bristlenose. Then I found out about cockatoos and got a little sidetracked from my original plan. Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck with them and lost 2 males and one female. I then was given a pair of agassizis by my lfs to make up for my lost fish. That's how I've ended up with a pair of agassizis and one cockatoo.

The other thing that sidetracked me from my original plan was the SAE. I saw these in the lfs and slept on it for a couple of days, then decided to buy one. I liked how active they were and my tank does have a fair amount of algae that needs to be controlled (I'm adjusting light, ferts, etc., too). This was a double sidetrack because I was sticking with South American fish.

There are still fish I'm interested in keeping but I'm afraid I might already be stocked. The tank still looks kind of empty but I have to remember that the SAE is only about 2 inches and the apistos are also still young.

Anyway here's some scenarios in order of increasing outrageousness:

1 male cockatoo

1 pair cockatoos (this would add an additional female to the harem - 1 female aggassizi, 2 female cockatoos, 1 male agassizi, 1 male cockatoo)

6 pygmy or other small corydoras

1 pair keyhole cichlids (or perhaps some other dwarf cichlid)

1 male cockatoo and 6 corys

1 pair cockatoos and 6 corys

1 pair keyholes and 6 corys

Something completely different!

Go ahead and warn me that I'm already stocked and to just sit back and watch my fish; or tell me to go for it - add the corys and more cichlids dude!

If it matters, I'm pretty diligent about maintaining my tank. I do 15-20% water change every week, clean the gravel every two weeks, take apart and clean the filter once a month, and prune my plants regularly.

Buy the 75 Gal that we all know you've been eying and stock the hell out of it!


you got the bug... your fish addicted....
nc_nutcase said:
you got the bug... your fish addicted....
Yes, it's true, but I don't want my epitaph to be "Divorced his Wife to Marry a 75 Gallon Tank".
There's a way around that... buy your wife a fancy 5 Gal set up and a betta. She will see straight through your scheme, but it will still work. Trust me, my girlfriend HATED the thought of me spending money on fish. Now she is trying to talk me into letting her start a 110 Gal marine tank on my credit card...

PS - she joined this forum a day or two ago... hi honey :D
It ain't gonna work. I only was able to buy this tank because I said it was a "family" gift for Christmas. With two yungin's to take care of she doesn't have time for a fishtank.
I went to the lfs today and the guy told me he owed me a cockatoo. He had gotten some in and I decided to get a pair. I also bought 3 ghost shrimp and he gave me one free. So now I am really done, provided the fish survive, which, given my luck with the cockatoos before I'm not so sure about. Have I overstocked now?

Here's my final setup:

7 von rio tetras
4 ghost shrimp
2 apistogramma agassizi (m/f)
3 apistogramma cacatoides (1m/2f)
3 otos
1 bristlenose pleco

I made some extra caves for the female apistos. Hopefully, they'll all settle in. I am a little worried because the agassizi male is bullying the cacatoides male and he doesn't take cover, he just takes the abuse. Hopefully, this won't stress him out too much and he'll learn to find a hiding spot.

The only thing that doesn't really fit in is the SAE and when he gets big it might be a problem. The store owner said he'd take him back if it got too big or aggressive and trade it for something else.
Sounds like a killer aquarium. Post us a pic when ya get a chance. I'm also very interested in hearing how the cockatoos do. My tank is about a week away from finishing it's cycling but I'll probably just add some tetras and give it another week or two. I want to make sure it's as stable as can be before I start adding cockatoos.

It seems you can't be too careful with cockatoos so you're wise to add the tetras first. This is my third pair and from the other two pairs only 1 female survived. It's not like I have bad water conditions either. I keep my otos no problem and the agassizis, which I thought would be more sensitive, did much better from the start. I'm going to take some pics this evening and post them soon.

Good luck with your tank, nc. I look forward to reading more about it.

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